I have the Localstack trial going to see if I can get it to work with my AWS Amplify project locally. I’ve installed and configured the amplify-localstack plugin but I get an error every time I try to do the amplify init locally. I have manually added the environment as well using amplify env add.
Here is what I get from the CLI:
╰─➤ amplify init --use-localstack true
Info: Patching AWS Amplify libs
Note: It is recommended to run this command from the root of your app directory
? Do you want to use an existing environment? Yes
? Choose the environment you would like to use: dev
Using default provider awscloudformation
✖ Initializing your environment: dev
✖ There was an error initializing your environment.
🛑 Could not find a deployment bucket for the specified backend environment. This environment may have been deleted.
Resolution: Make sure the environment has been initialized with "amplify init" or "amplify env add".
Learn more at: https://docs.amplify.aws/cli/project/troubleshooting/
Session Identifier: cf69ca24-5cbc-4c4d-9ac9-f95e15c22d73
Here is what I get in the localstack terminal:
💻 LocalStack CLI 3.1.0
👤 Profile: default
[14:07:17] starting LocalStack in Docker mode 🐳 localstack.py:494
─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── LocalStack Runtime Log (press CTRL-C to quit) ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
LocalStack version: 3.1.1.dev
LocalStack Docker container id: 5df2b33620a4
LocalStack build date: 2024-01-29
LocalStack build git hash: 5170ba2e
2024-02-09T22:07:19.556 INFO --- [-functhread4] hypercorn.error : Running on (CTRL + C to quit)
2024-02-09T22:07:19.556 INFO --- [-functhread4] hypercorn.error : Running on (CTRL + C to quit)
2024-02-09T22:07:34.296 INFO --- [ asgi_gw_0] localstack.request.aws : AWS s3.GetObject => 404 (NoSuchBucket)