I have switched app to used dind docker service, and now am getting SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out when trying to do any operation on SQS .

I have tried setting LOCALSTACK_HOSTNAME value to localstack , but did not help.
Any suggstions, or how can I get more info about it. Localstack 1.4

Container localstack/localstack:1.4 is starting: e50e2b0f4d925b0b7c725cc751ec37b970f0bab46ee0668d8447264837a5b62a
Container localstack/localstack:1.4 started in PT7.273507S

Based on logs would say that it has started

TestAwsContainer.INSTANCE.host is docker
TestAwsContainer.INSTANCE.firstMappedPort is 32770


Thank you for contacting us. Could you please provide additional details about your environment setup (e.g., your docker-compose.yml file), LocalStack container logs (with the LS_LOG=trace option enabled), and the exact issue or error message you are seeing? We will be happy to look into it as soon as possible. Thank you.

Issue is resolved, problem was due to proxy configuration. We were using proxy configuration by default and adding ip that was used by SQS service to the noproxy list fixed the issue.

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