we are looking at using localstack to provide a mock SQS and S3 for our unit tests. We aren’t having any issue with S3, but we are finding SQS does not always come up reliably.
the docker command to start is simple enough:
docker create -e AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1 -e EDGE_PORT=4566 --publish-all localstack/localstack:latest
(then use docker run and docker inspect to find the locally assigned port)
followed by a CreateQueue api request. We are finding this often, but not always, fails with
operation error SQS: CreateQueue, exceeded maximum number of attempts, 20, https response error StatusCode: 0, RequestID: , request send failed, Post "http://localhost:32929/": EOF"
(specific port number is variable, of course)
S3 operations are not having any issue.
Troubleshooting is made even harder by the fact this doesn’t fail locally on our arm64 machines, the failure is only happening when run as a github action.