This question refers to Docker image localstack/localstack:1.3.0
I’m performing a request with an Authorization header like AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=<cred>,SignedHeaders=<sign_head>,Signature=<sign>
This request is getting rejected by “missing parameter SignedHeaders”.
If I change the request to AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=<cred>, SignedHeaders=<sign_head>, Signature=<sign>
(notice the spaces after the commas) it gets correctly parsed, and I get a proper response.
Since I’m using a library to access to the server (next to which I’ve also asked for help in understanding the issue) this is not simply a question of “adding the space and we’re done with it”.
For reference, AWS’s Authenticating Requests (AWS Signature Version 4): Using an Authorization Header: Overview documentation isn’t exactly detailed on how the header is formed, in terms of spaces, but the CLI seems to use a space after the comma.
Do you think that that specific parsing element could be adjusted to not care about the space? Is there any other alternative to move forward?
Thank you.