Pulumi code:

export const gatewayHTTPListener = new aws.alb.Listener('gateway_http_listener', {
  loadBalancerArn: gatewayLoadbalancer.arn,
  port: 80,
  protocol: 'HTTP',
  defaultActions: [{
    targetGroupArn: gatewayHTTPTargetGroup.arn,
    type: 'forward'
  tags: {
    Name: 'gateway_http_listener'

export const gatewayGRPCListener = new aws.alb.Listener('gateway_grpc_listener', {
  loadBalancerArn: gatewayLoadbalancer.arn,
  port: 50051,
  protocol: 'HTTP',
  defaultActions: [{
    targetGroupArn: gatewayGRPCTargetGroup.arn,
    type: 'forward'
  tags: {
    Name: 'gateway_grpc_listener'


  aws:alb:TargetGroup (gateway_http_target_group):
    error: 1 error occurred:
    	* error creating LB Target Group: InternalFailure: The create_target_group action has not been implemented
    	status code: 501, request id: 15597aac-ebd7-4e07-ad58-7ddb8fc4734b

  aws:alb:TargetGroup (gateway_grpc_target_group):
    error: 1 error occurred:
    	* error creating LB Target Group: InternalFailure: The create_target_group action has not been implemented
    	status code: 501, request id: d91ef9b3-652a-415c-ab5f-87654d89c79d

Localstack container logs:

LocalStack version: 2.1.0
LocalStack Docker container id: f0688997b75e
LocalStack build date: 2023-05-25
LocalStack build git hash: 8d4ca29

2023-07-07T19:37:42.752  INFO --- [  MainThread] l.bootstrap.licensing      : Successfully activated API key
2023-07-07T19:37:43.636  WARN --- [  MainThread] l.snapshot.__plugins__     : registering ON_REQUEST load strategy: this strategy has known limitations to not restore state correctly for certain services
2023-07-07T19:37:43.853  INFO --- [  MainThread] l.snapshot.__plugins__     : registering SCHEDULED save strategy
2023-07-07T19:37:43.855  WARN --- [  MainThread] localstack.deprecations    : KMS_PROVIDER is deprecated (since 1.4.0) and will be removed in upcoming releases of LocalStack! This feature will not be supported in the future. Please remove this environment variable.
Starting DNS servers (tcp/udp port 53 on
2023-07-07T19:37:44.185  INFO --- [  MainThread] l.extensions.platform      : loaded 0 extensions
2023-07-07T19:37:44.190  INFO --- [  MainThread] botocore.credentials       : Found credentials in environment variables.
2023-07-07T19:37:45.375  INFO --- [-functhread5] hypercorn.error            : Running on (CTRL + C to quit)
2023-07-07T19:37:45.375  INFO --- [-functhread5] hypercorn.error            : Running on (CTRL + C to quit)
2023-07-07T19:37:45.376  INFO --- [-functhread6] hypercorn.error            : Running on (CTRL + C to quit)
2023-07-07T19:37:45.376  INFO --- [-functhread6] hypercorn.error            : Running on (CTRL + C to quit)
2023-07-07T19:37:45.413  INFO --- [  MainThread] localstack.utils.bootstrap : Execution of "start_runtime_components" took 1222.70ms
2023-07-07T19:37:56.636  INFO --- [   asgi_gw_0] l.services.ecr.provider    : Starting ECR Docker registry on port 4510
2023-07-07T19:37:56.652  INFO --- [functhread12] hypercorn.error            : Running on (CTRL + C to quit)
2023-07-07T19:37:56.652  INFO --- [functhread12] hypercorn.error            : Running on (CTRL + C to quit)


2023-07-07T21:33:17.683  INFO --- [   asgi_gw_1] localstack.aws.skeleton    : The create_target_group action has not been implemented
2023-07-07T21:33:17.583  INFO --- [   asgi_gw_1] localstack.request.aws     : AWS elbv2.CreateTargetGroup => 501 (InternalFailure)

Any ideas? Surely this is mistaken given how common load balancers are? I’m using Localstack pro in docker, image localstack/localstack-pro:2.1-arm64

Hi — Thank you for reaching out to us. We are looking into your issue and will contact you as soon as we can. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any additional questions.

Hi @keybox-andrew,

Can you please confirm if you follow the steps in our documentation, you receive the same error?


Elastic Load Balancing | Docs (localstack.cloud)

create-target-group — AWS CLI 1.29.3 Command Reference (amazon.com)