i started localstack using docker with the command
$ docker run --rm -it -p 4566:4566 -p 4510-4559:4510-4559 localstack/localstack
then i wanted to share the logs as specified in the troubleshooting section by executing but i get 404
$ curl -Is localhost:4566/_localstack/diagnose
HTTP/1.1 404
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Connection: close
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: authorization,cache-control,content-length,content-md5,content-type,etag,location,x-amz-acl,x-amz-content-sha256,x-amz-date,x-amz-request-id,x-amz-security-token,x-amz-tagging,x-amz-target,x-amz-user-agent,x-amz-version-id,x-amzn-requestid,x-localstack-target,amz-sdk-invocation-id,amz-sdk-request
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: etag,x-amz-version-id
Content-Length: 0
date: Mon, 12 Dec 2022 09:01:34 GMT
server: hypercorn-h11
- how can i get the logs?
- how can i sample localstack from localhost using curl to see that localstack is up and running?
thank you.