I need a detailed process on how i can convert an already running project on aws to localStack , as the project usesterraform for iac

Hi @Ritik_123 ,

If you have an already existing terraform project, you can do one of two things:

  • use our tflocal wrapper that will automatically connect you to localstack instead of AWS
  • override provider endpoints for specific services and point them at localstack (Terraform | Docs)

Please see the guide below:

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But I have some configurations like my postgres db is pointing to RDS , locking with Dynamo db, using subnet vpc’s and other. So how can I deal with all these in case I am using a free subscription of localstack and I might consider removal of some not required sources for my local development.

you can add conditional variable to your terraform template, and control which resources get deployed, based on that:

For example:

count = var.is_localstack == true ? 1 : "0"