This guide demonstrates how to migrate your networking configuration for LocalStack 3.0.

:1st_place_medal: Try whether your scenario works with the default configuration before customizing it to your needs.

Major Changes

  1. The default container name for LocalStack is now localstack-main (previously localstack_main) to allow the use of the name in URLs.

  2. We are simplifying how to configure LocalStack by using:

    • GATEWAY_LISTEN to customize the bind address of LocalStack. It has the form <ip address>:<port>(,<ip address>:<port>)*. For example, GATEWAY_LISTEN=:4566,:5577 binds LocalStack to multiple ports. The default inside the LocalStack container is for Community users and, for Pro users. Outside the LocalStack container (e.g., in host-mode for LocalStack developers), the default is for Community users and, for Pro users.
    • LOCALSTACK_HOST to customize URLs returned by AWS services (e.g., SQS QueueUrl). It has the form <hostname>:<port> and one part can be optional. For example, LOCALSTACK_HOST=localstack-container returns URLs with the hostname localstack-container and LOCALSTACK_HOST=:5577 returns URLs with the port 5577. This can be useful when operating in container networks or behind enterprise proxies. The default is, which resolves to the LocalStack container using DNS.
  3. We are adopting the official custom endpoint configuration AWS_ENDPOINT_URL from AWS for LocalStack Integrations (e.g., awslocal) and LocalStack compute services (e.g., Lambda).

:bulb: Good to know: The DNS name is the recommended way to reach to LocalStack. On your host machine, it resolves to localhost using a public DNS entry by LocalStack. In a compute container (e.g., within a Lambda function), it redirects to the LocalStack container using the LocalStack DNS.

Configure LocalStack Core

Do you configure any of these deprecated variables in your LocalStack Installation such as docker-compose.yml, LocalStack CLI, etc?

:1st_place_medal: Try whether your scenario works with the default configuration before customizing it to your needs.

  • Replace EDGE_BIND_HOST (default inside the LocalStack container: and default outside the LocalStack container: with GATEWAY_LISTEN. For example: EDGE_BIND_HOST= binds LocalStack to listen to the IP
  • Replace EDGE_PORT (default: 4566) with GATEWAY_LISTEN. For example: EDGE_PORT=5577GATEWAY_LISTEN=:5577 binds LocalStack to listen to port 5577.
  • Replace EDGE_PORT_HTTP (default: 0) with GATEWAY_LISTEN. For example: EDGE_PORT_HTTP=5577GATEWAY_LISTEN=:5577 binds LocalStack to listen to port 5577. LocalStack 3.0 does not distinguish between HTTP and HTTPS.
  • USE_SSL (default: false) to switch between binding HTTP or HTTP is not required anymore because LocalStack does not distinguish between HTTP and HTTP since 1.0. However, USE_SSL (default: false) has been re-purposed and now determines whether LocalStack returns URLs using HTTP or HTTPS.
  • Replace HOSTNAME_EXTERNAL (default: localhost) with LOCALSTACK_HOST. For example: HOSTNAME_EXTERNAL=localstack-containerLOCALSTACK_HOST=localstack-container returns URLs returned from LocalStack (e.g., SQS QueueUrl) targeting the hostname localstack-container. Notice that LOCALSTACK_HOST supports subdomains by default. If you are in an environment that cannot resolve subdomains (e.g., sqs.localstack-container), configure the *_ENDPOINT_STRATEGY accordingly.

:point_right: Refer to our configuration overview for more details.

Configure LocalStack Integrations

Do you configure any of these deprecated variables in your LocalStack Integrations such as awslocal, cdklocal, tflocal, localstack-serverless, etc?

  • Replace LOCALSTACK_HOSTNAME (default: localhost) with AWS_ENDPOINT_URL (default: http://localhost:4566). For example: LOCALSTACK_HOSTNAME=
  • Replace EDGE_PORT (default: 4566) with AWS_ENDPOINT_URL (default: http://localhost:4566). For example: EDGE_PORT=5577AWS_ENDPOINT_URL=http:localhost:5577.
  • Replace USE_SSL (default: 0) with AWS_ENDPOINT_URL (default: http://localhost:4566). For example: USE_SSL=1AWS_ENDPOINT_URL=https:localhost:4566.

:point_right: Refer to the individual tools for more details.

Access Environment Variables in Compute Services

Do you access any of these deprecated variables in your compute services such as Lambda?

  • Replace LOCALSTACK_HOSTNAME (default: <LOCALSTACK_IP> such as with AWS_ENDPOINT_URL (default: http://<LOCALSTACK_IP>:4566). The <LOCALSTACK_IP> depends on the networking configuration.
  • Replace EDGE_PORT (default: 4566) with AWS_ENDPOINT_URL (default: http://<LOCALSTACK_IP>:4566).

For example, manually configuring a boto3 client in Python changes from:

# Deprecated environment variables
client = boto3.client(

to the official AWS_ENDPOINT_URL:

# New official AWS_ENDPOINT_URL
client = boto3.client(

For supported AWS SDKs (including boto3 since 1.28.0), this configuration happens automatically without any custom code changes. This official configuration by AWS offers an alternative to our DNS-based transparent endpoint injection.

Alternatively, reaches the LocalStack host through DNS-based routing.

Network Troubleshooting

:point_right: Refer to our network troubleshooting documentation for more details depending on your networking layout.