I’m trying to get localstack to run a “local” lambda. I was told I can run a lambda in the localstack container, rather than having localstack launch the lambda in its own container. I was wondering how you do this?
I’m running in an environment where there is no internet access and I’m unable to update some of my tools to enable using the 3.x versions of localstack. I’m using version 2.1.0.


Hi @mg2000,

The previous Lambda provider (PROVIDER_OVERRIDE_LAMBDA=legacy), which was removed in version 3.0, had a local execution mode (LAMBDA_EXECUTOR=local). This mode is unsupported and used at one’s own risk. For historical details, you can refer to New Lambda implementation in LocalStack 2.0.

Could you please explain your use case and why it is necessary to run it locally? Additionally, there is an option of an enterprise offline image solution.

Hi Marcel,
I’m in an environment where we are unable to update Docker for quite some time. So, we can’t use 3.0 because it requires a newer docker API than we have. I was told by an engineer on my team that we would use LocalStack 2.1.0 with a local mode turned on that would not require us to update docker and would run our lambda in the LocalStack container vs it’s own docker container.