Hi - hoping somebody can guide me with this tricky one…

New install of Localstack Pro. Docker login fails through cdklocal deploy

[100%] fail: docker login --username AWS --password-stdin http://localhost.localstack.cloud:4510 exited with error code 1: Error response from daemon: login attempt to http://localhost.localstack.cloud:4510/v2/ failed with status: 403 Forbidden

:x: Building assets failed: Error: Building Assets Failed: Error: Failed to build one or more assets. See the error messages above for more information.
at buildAllStackAssets (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/aws-cdk/lib/index.js:330:116743)
at async CdkToolkit.deploy (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/aws-cdk/lib/index.js:330:142824)
at async exec4 (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/aws-cdk/lib/index.js:385:51795)

Building Assets Failed: Error: Failed to build one or more assets. See the error messages above for more information.

Did you get any response to this issue? I’m having something similar but it says

[100%] fail: docker push localhost.localstack.cloud:4510/aws-cdk/assets:c6da9f5d675f3c259841afe755d522fa1e49ab72f3509f27778f9d12479eee5c exited with error code 1: blob upload unknown

 ❌  TapetradeAwsCdkStack failed: Error: Failed to publish one or more assets. See the error messages above for more information.

If it helps, I’m also seeing this in the localstack output on Docker

2023-03-26T16:30:20.074  INFO --- [   asgi_gw_6] localstack.request.aws     : AWS ecr.DescribeImages => 400 (ImageNotFoundException)

It might have something to do with a DockerImageFunction I am using, which has already been published to ECR, could it be that localstack needs to re-upload it?

Appreciate some help! Am in trial Pro mode at the moment, and this is a deal clincher for me.