
Needed help in debugging an issue when launching eks clusters from LocalStack.
I have started localstack with my system user. Localstack came up fine and i can run commands.

When i ran the command to launch a eks cluster, it worked and responded with 200. I could also see k3d and k3d proxy containers coming up.

awslocal eks create-cluster --name cluster1 --role-arn arn:aws:iam::000000000000:role/eks-role --resources-vpc-config '{}'

After 30-40 secs, if i describe the status of the cluster, it is in failed state.

In the localstack logs, i can find this.

2023-04-27T14:28:53.544  INFO --- [functhread13] l.services.eks.k8s_utils   : Error creating cluster debug - deleting and retrying: Port (path: /) was not open

Can you please help me with this?

Hi @amith1284,

Could you please let us know how are you starting LocalStack? There might be a problem with the network configuration that is affecting the connection to/from the k3d server.

Can you please try using the LocalStack CLI?

DEBUG=1 LOCALSTACK_API_KEY="YourAPIKey" localstack start

After that run the command:
awslocal eks create-cluster --name cluster1 --role-arn arn:aws:iam::000000000000:role/eks-role --resources-vpc-config '{}'