Hi, I need help to be able to use the Step Functions service in LocalStack, which is giving me problems when creating a state machine. The error is always the same and doesn’t provide further details. Here it is:

“An error occurred (InternalError) when calling the CreateStateMachine operation (reached max retries: 4): exception while calling stepfunctions.CreateStateMachine: gave up waiting for service stepfunctions to start.”

Hello @mnavarrete18,

Can you please confirm that any other calls to LocalStack docker image works as expected?
For example: awslocal s3 mb s3://testbucket

Presently, it looks like a network configuration issue. Please follow the Installation | Docs (localstack.cloud) and Getting Started | Docs (localstack.cloud) documentation.

Did it work?

I am facing the same issue

Hi @shivanshu,

We are not aware, but please consider using the latest release of LocalStack which provides new version of Step Functions.

You can find details how to enable it in this article: LocalStack Release v2.3.0 - Announcement - LocalStack Discuss

We have introduced an all-new LocalStack-native StepFunctions provider, available behind a feature flag. You can activate it by setting PROVIDER_OVERRIDE_STEPFUNCTIONS=v2 in your LocalStack configuration.